The Trace game was a murder mystery puzzle game which was launched by Relentless Software. They discontinued the game, but we kept the spirit alive. As a gaming enthusiast we bought up this domain and set it up to keep the spirit of the game alive. The game was featured on Apple TV and various other publications.
The trace was build on the Unity platform and had various levels to complete. It was a great game for those who love solving murder mysteries. Various characters and scenes were the main USP of the game.
The main character in the game was Detective Sam Pearce from the Baltimore PD. He was the lead of the game. As Detective Sam Pearce the user search for clues, examine the evidence and solve the puzzles that will lead to a watertight conviction.
Many users commented that this mobile exclusive game is a light but enjoyable murder mystery game. Graphic style of the game was illustrated realism. The presentation of the game was in realtime 3D and was available on both android and iOS platform.
The Trace game was a first-person 3D adventure game where you have to look for clues and solve the mystery. The game included three chapters that are part of the same mystery.
The game takes you in a fictional world, where the user needed to identify the clues, find hidden objects to score points, and complete the level. The game had everything from beautiful landscapes, mystery objects, music that keeps the user focused.
The game used to have The Room-style screen interactions, point-and-click puzzle solving, and hidden object searching, all with a crime-solving angle.” Players investigate clue hotspots within each scene, gathering items that unlock new rooms or additional clues. A forensic flashlight was also provided that used to reveal traces of blood on certain objects, which can be rotated 360 degrees for close inspection — much like the later games in the Ace Attorney series.
As players discover clues, they connect them in a web-like flowchart of key questions that must be answered to piece together the entire story. Each solved question unveils a video depicting the unfolding events. Players were able to navigate and rotate 360 degrees across scenes, similar to Google Maps’ street view and later games in the Myst series. Although gameplay duration varies with “play style and deductive ability,” The Trace’s average playtime was of about three hours.
All in all, It was a complete package for the problem solver.
Now, here you will find guides and tips on solving murder mystery games like a pro. You can look at our blog section to start.
- 7 Ideal Ways to Use Money in Mystery Games
- Unlock the Secret Room: A Mystery Game with a Construction Twist
- Free Bitcoin Referral Code | Claim $100 Bitcoins On Signup
- 7 Murder Mystery Game Night Questions
- The Art of Suspense: How Graphics and Sound Design Enhance Mystery Games
- How to Earn Cryptocurrency by Playing Blockchain Games with a Mystery Twist
- How to Adapt Classic Detective Techniques for Solving Fictional Mysteries
- Analyzing Alibis: How to Spot Truths, Lies, and Half-Truths in Mystery Games
- How to Keep Track of Clues and Suspects: Note-Taking Tips for Mystery Games
- A Beginner’s Guide to Role-Playing in Murder Mystery Games
- How to Master Clue Deduction in Murder Mystery Games
- 5 Tips for Solving Any Mystery Game Faster
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